Oh dear. It's been a crazy week. I now know what poison sycamore looks like and will forever stay away from it.FOR-EV-ER!( yes, sandlot reference.)Some recent thoughts: I look like a fat chinese person, I feel like the sequel to the Goonies, I'm never leaving my room.I want my old face back, and a whole lot of other nonsense. (if you are very confused as to why these thoughts are accuring, you probably don't know the whole story)Not only that, with the whole hurricane Irene thing going on we've had family stay with us which was kinda stressfull. And then there's school, boys(yuck), and yeah. Oh we need a vacation. Thanksgiving at cousins house seems much too far away.but until then I'll just have to leave everything in the hands of God and let him do his work!